HerStories. Photographic Practices, 1974-2024
May 17, 2024 - September 15, 2024
The #MeToo movement, feminist strikes, and feminist demands for the eradication of gender violence often stand in various ways under the spotlight lately, very often in a tragic way. Additionally, although female artistic creation and the feminist approach to the arts do not necessarily constitute a new or innovative research perspective in the 21st century, however, and for various reasons, historically, this perspective does not seem to be a priority in the research and critique of artistic fields.
In the wake of these international debates on gender and identities and the general trend of exploring women’s creative work, the new exhibition-production by MOMus-Thessaloniki Museum of Photography under the title “HerStories. Photographic practices, 1974-2024” seeks to showcase the domestic photographic production of women, from the 1970s onwards. The exhibition will be hosted in the Thessaloniki Museum of Photography and the Experimental Center for the Arts of MOMus, from 17 May until 15 September 2024; forty artists and photographers, four curators, and eight researchers contribute in mapping this particular field of endeavor for the first time in Greece.
Nouveau parcours photographique à l'Abbaye Royale de l'Épau
7.6.2024 - 3.11.2024
Pour une 12è édition, la saison photographique est lancée à l’Abbaye Royale de l’Épau, ce 7 juin. Elle affiche l’extraordinaire créativité de six photographes contemporains,qui exposent en grand format leur vision du monde et du lien que nous entretenons avec lui.